Posts Tagged ‘ moon ’

Full Moon

Having your camera on the right settings when taking photos of the moon can be confusing. It’s during the night with no lights so one would assume that they need to have a tripod, bump up the ISO, and have a slower shutter speed… but in the end, all they get is a white blob.
Why is that?

Full Moon

A full moon over Vancouver BC

Well, even though you are photographing a moon at night, the moon is really bright. The camera lens actually need to take in less light. After a few tries, what got me this shot was move the ISO to 100 and get the camera to a faster shutter speed (1/200 or faster depending on your aperture value). Also, having a tripod will depend on how much you can handhold your telephoto lens without camera shake. having the shutter speed faster than 1/200, I was able to not use a tripod anymore when using the 200mm lens.