I believe in 2010 is the first time that the word “PRIME” was added to it’s name to differentiate this event from PAX East which started in 2010 and was held at Boston. Continuing the celebration of PAX Prime that’s on this Friday, August 30th, these are my photos during PAX Prime 2010:

There was a big push for the Tron as the life size lightcycle was on display during this event unfortunately the game was not a big blockbuster they were hoping for:

At the Epic Mickey booth, attendees can asked one of the 2 Disney artist any hand drawn characters they want and gets to keep it:

The before and after of the Metroid M artwork during the 3 day event:

booths this year are also bigger than what it was previously:

some booth also has some awesome display:
even with all those fancy stuff, it’s all about the games:

like every year, there are also panels or concert everyone with a badge can attend to:

lastly, some cool cosplay during the event:

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